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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 76
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-240, (September, 1988)

Editorial Board
Page i
Synthesis, structure, and electrical properties of Eu0.59Nb5Se8
Pages 1-6
Nathaniel E. Brese, James A. Ibers
Structural, thermal, and transport studies on silver vanadium phosphate solid electrolyte
Pages 7-17
P.Sathya Sainath Prasad, S. Radhakrishna
The disordered spinel NaAgMoO4 and its high-temperature, ordered orthorhombic polymorph
Pages 18-25
A. Rulmont, P. Tarte, G. Foumakoye, A.M. Fransolet, J. Choisnet
Preparation and crystal structure of the semiconducting compound Sn4.2Si9P16
Pages 26-32
Jean-Yves Pivan, Roland Guerin, Jean Padiou, Marcel Sergent
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of linear chain potassium aquotetrafluoromanganate(III)
Pages 33-39
Fernando Palacio, Mercedes Andres, C. Esteban-Calderon, M. Martinez-Ripoll, S. Garcia-Blanco
Hydrous phase in the crystalline vanadium oxide spheres
Pages 40-51
S. Kittaka, S. Sasaki, N. Ogawa, N. Uchida
The crystal structure and density of β-rhombohedral boron
Pages 52-63
G.A. Slack, C.I. Hejna, M.F. Garbauskas, J.S. Kasper
X-ray study of transition-metal dopants in β-boron
Pages 64-86
G.A. Slack, C.I. Hejna, M. Garbauskas, J.S. Kasper
Structure and bonding in Li2MoO3 and Li2−xMoO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.7)
Pages 87-96
A.C.W.P. James, J.B. Goodenough
Ir, Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigations of the ordered cubic perovskite La2LiVO6
Pages 97-101
Jin-Ho Choy, Song-Ho Byeon, Gerard Demazeau
Electron microscopic study of the homologous series of mixed layer compounds R2Te3(GeTe)n (R = Sb, Bi)
Pages 102-108
S. Kuypers, G. van Tendeloo, J. van Landuyt, S. Amelinckx
Synthesis and structures of Cs3TaSe4 and Cs3NbSe4
Pages 109-114
Hoseop Yun, Clayton R. Randall, James A. Ibers
Luminescence and energy transfer in lead-activated strontium haloborate (Sr, Pb)2B5O9X (X = Cl, Br)
Pages 115-123
A. Meijerink, H. Jetten, G. Blasse
Studies on magnetic properties of UO2-CeO2 solid solutions: II. Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on magnetic susceptibilities of solid solutions
Pages 124-130
Yukio Hinatsu, Takeo Fujino
A Mo(III) phosphate with a cage structure: NaMoP2O7
Pages 131-135
A. Leclaire, M.M. Borel, A. Grandin, B. Raveau
Relationship between the crystal field splitting of the Nd3+ ion manifolds and the ratio of charge to radius of ions A and B in the ABOn (n = 2–4)-type compounds
Pages 136-142
Y.Q. Jia
Time resolved X-ray diffraction of the thermal decomposition of CdCO3 powders using synchrotron radiation
Pages 143-159
J.R. Schoonover, S.H. Lin
Luminescence properties of alkali europium double tungstates and molybdates AEuM2O8
Pages 160-166
J.P.M. Van Vliet, G. Blasse, L.H. Brixner
Titane à valence mixte, un nouvel oxyde ternaire: Al2Ti7O15
Pages 167-177
F. Remy, O. Monnereau, A. Casalot, F. Dahan, J. Galy
The magnetic susceptibility of Pr4+ in BaPrO3: Evidence of long-range magnetic order
Pages 178-185
M. Bickel, G.L. Goodman, L. Soderholm, B. Kanellakopulos
Preparation and characterization of SnS2
Pages 186-191
K. Kourtakis, J. DiCarlo, R. Kershaw, K. Dwight, A. Wold
Structural and spectroscopic study of a single crystal of lanthanum aluminogallate, doped with neodymium
Pages 192-203
A. Kahn, J. Lecomte, J. Théry, D. Vivien
A new Mo5+ phosphate with a tunnel structure: γ-CsMo2P3O13
Pages 204-209
J.J. Chen, K.H. Lii, S.L. Wang
Phase diagram, optical energy gap, and magnetic susceptibility of (CuGa)1−zMn2zTe2 alloys
Pages 210-217
M. Quintero, P. Grima, R. Tovar, R. Goudreault, D. Bissonnette, G. Lamarche, J.C. Woolley
Synthesis and structure of Cs4Mo10P18O66
Pages 218-223
Robert C. Haushalter, Frank W. Lai
The resonating hybrid bonds and superconducting pairing in metallic oxides and heavy-fermion systems
Pages 224-228
J. Spałek
Stability and lattice pressure in complex perovskite superconductors
Pages 229-234
H. Oesterreicher
A neutron diffraction study of LaBa2Cu3O7−δ
Pages 235-239
A. Sequeira, H. Rajagopal, L. Ganapathi, C.N.R. Rao
Page 240

Issue 2, Pgs 241-438, (October, 1988)

Thermodynamic study of the Ln2O3-Co-Co2O3 system II. Ln = Nd and Gd
Pages 241-247
Kenzo Kitayama
3.1 GeV-xenon ion latent tracks in Bi2Fe4O9: Mössbauer and electron microscopy studies
Pages 248-259
D. Groult, M. Hervieu, N. Nguyen, B. Raveau
3.1 GeV-xenon ion latent tracks in Bi2Fe4O9: High-resolution electron microscope observations
Pages 260-265
D. Groult, M. Hervieu, N. Nguyen, B. Raveau
Crystal structure of LiPbPO4 with “Li4O13” cluster
Pages 266-269
Lahcen Elammari, Brahim Elouadi, Wulf Depmeier
The phase diagram of the system LiNaSO4-LiKSO4 and crystallographic parameters and ionic conductivity of Li2NaK(SO4)2
Pages 270-275
J.K. Liang, X.T. Xu, Z. Chai
Syntheses, étude structurale par diffraction X, spectroscopies infrarouge et Mössbauer de K2SeO4SbF3 · 12H2O
Pages 276-283
D. Mascherpa-Corral, B. Ducourant, S. Alberola
Metal-insulator transition in the system (Nd1−xCax)MnO2.99 (0.5 ≦ x ≦ 0.9)
Pages 284-289
H. Taguchi, M. Nagao, M. Shimada
Defect fluorite-related superstructures in the Bi2O3-V2O5 system
Pages 290-300
Wuzong Zhou
Defects in β-rhombohedral boron formed during the synthesis of LaB6
Pages 301-312
Per-Olof Olsson
Lithium insertion in reduced tungsten oxides: I. Li9.0W19O55
Pages 313-318
C. Rosique-Pérez, J. González-Calbet, M. Vallet-Regí, M.A. Alario-Franco
Substitutional studies on the anisotropic, semiconducting, molybdenum bronze, Li0.33MoO3
Pages 319-327
B.T. Collins, K.V. Ramanujachary, M. Greenblatt, W.H. McCarroll, P. McNally, J.V. Waszczak
The crystal structure of aluminum molybdate, Al2(MoO4)3, determined by time-of-flight powder neutron diffraction
Pages 328-333
W.T.A. Harrison, A.K. Cheetham, J. Faber Jr.
The crystal and magnetic structures of Sr2CoFeO5
Pages 334-339
P.D. Battle, T.C. Gibb, P. Lightfoot
Anisotropic electronic properties of the bronze, CsP8W8O40
Pages 340-344
E. Wang, M. Greenblatt
Formation and luminescence of lower symmetrical tellurite anti-glass phases
Pages 345-354
M. Trömel, E. Münch, G. Blasse, G.J. Dirksen
Influence of chromium on the oxidation kinetics of annealing spinels (Fe2+Al3+2−xCr3+x)O2−4
Pages 355-367
B. Gillot, A. Rousset, F. Chassagneux
Optical absorption and emission from Ho3+ ions in KCaF3 crystals
Pages 368-374
M.A. Mondragon, J. Garcia, W.A. Sibley, C.A. Hunt
Solid-state reaction between p-phenylenediamine and p-benzoquinone
Pages 375-390
N.B. Singh, R.J. Singh
A neutron powder diffraction study of ND3 intercalated titanium disulfide, 3R-TiS2ND3
Pages 391-397
H.J.M. Bouwmeester, G.A. Wiegers
Distribution cationique dans les ferrites d'indium de type spinelle InMFeO4 (M = Ni, Mn, Co, Mg)
Pages 398-406
R. Gerardin, A. Alebouyeh, J.F. Brice, O. Evrard, J.P. Sanchez
A raman spectral study of hydrated niobium phosphate (NbPO5) phases
Pages 407-411
G.T. Stranford, R.A. Condrate Sr.
Investigations in the scandium-nitrogen system
Pages 412-415
Walter Lengauer
Semiconducting Li2MgCu3O5+x and Li2CaCu3O5+x with face centered cubic metal lattice
Pages 416-418
J. Hauck, K. Bickmann, B. Bischof, S. Ipta
Calcium and thallium nonstoichiometry in the 108 K superconductor Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8: HREM study
Pages 419-425
M. Hervieu, C. Martin, J. Provost, B. Raveau
Na2Ca3Al2F14: A new example of a structure with “independent F”—A new method of comparison between fluorides and oxides of different formula
Pages 426-431
G. Courbion, G. Ferey
Superconducting Tl2Ba2CuO6: The orthorhombic form
Pages 432-436
J.B. Parise, J. Gopalakrishnan, M.A. Subramanian, A.W. Sleight
Author index for volume 76
Pages 437-438